Intersocial offers 1, 2, 3 and 5 day training courses in different formats:
Intersocial is a key partner to the University of Groningen Summer and Winter Schools on Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Sustainability in the Netherlands.
Training courses aim to provide participants with the practical tools to plan for, implement and monitor social risk and resettlement strategies on projects, based on international good practice.
Sessions use an interactive approach offering practical and innovative methodologies and tools to manage social impacts, social risks, land access and resettlement on projects. The training courses include discussions on practical case studies from the participants and Intersocial’s experience in planning and reviewing social impact, social risk and resettlement management strategies worldwide.
The up-to-date, practical and interactive course in effectively planning and implementing successful land access and displacement processes is invaluable in:
The courses have been developed with a modular approach, to aid tailoring to client’s specific requirements in terms of content and time.
Courses are presented by Intersocial Directors and senior staff in interactive sessions with relevant visual aids, discussion of case studies and accompanied by a copy of the Intersocial book “Land Access and Resettlement: A Guide to Best Practice”.